The only thing funnier to me than a hood rat female, is ones who don’t know they are hood rat females. Some of you are reading this and have no idea you’re a hood rat. Ill give you a few pointers on spotting a hood rat, what hood rats are good for, and if you’re a hood rat and whether you can become a productive person in society.
First thing you should know, is you attract what you are. So if you’re always in rat drama, date rat males, your father is master splinter, you’re probably a rat.
As far as appearance, this is the hardest part to me. A girl can look like a rat, and actually be a lady, or look like a lady and actually be a rat. Now that being a “hipster” is in, you have a lot of rat hipsters now. Some rats realize it’s cheaper to be a hipster, terrible. You can usually spot them however because they will have some sort of designer purse on with them. 9/10 it’s fake. They love taking pictures with money that is the hood rat stamp. If she has a pic with money, or has a man with a pic full of money, she’s a rat, and so is her boyfriend. People in the real world realize that money is not a toy that you flaunt off, or keep balled up. You respect money, and you save it. Only rats throw it away because they don’t understand the value of it. Only a rat would respect someone throwing it also. You usually can’t tell a rat is a rat until, she opens her mouth.
Rats converse only about other rats, other broke people, and what celebrities they look like or want to be. You can never bring them out in public because no matter the location, they are still the loudest one. Cuss when it’s inappropriate and basically just don’t understand that there is a time and place for everything. They just blame it on being “real”. Yeah a real RAT! If you look like you have money, then a rat will flock to you. You don’t actually have to spend on a rat, because they are usually not the smartest ones, and the smart rats have been around the block. They only learn after they do some time, or they get smacked around by a heavy enough hand.
You can be any race to be a rat, it’s about who you surround yourself with. Also you can look any way to be a rat. Its funny when people say rat, most girls think of dark skin, weave head girls. The light skin girls are by farrrrrrr the most rat ones. It’s funny because they don’t think they are because they look “exotic” or whatever they think. So sad how we can tell some of you women anything and you just run with it.
Now most people think hood rats only stay in the hood. HA! They wish, I meet more hood rats that stay in the burbs than anything. Its not we’re you from, its we’re your at. So baby you can move out of the hood, you’re still a rat.
Now sometimes good girls date rat males…..Nah they don’t. LOL. They really don’t, only a rat female dates a rat male. If you’re attracted to rat males, then you are a rat female. If you don’t care how your man makes his money, then you are a rat. If you will talk to a guy solely off his car, you’re a rat. If you think stacks of money is more glamorous than bank statements….guess what? RAT! If your man did time, is doing time, or had you do time for him, more than likely you’re a rat. One thing that rats of all races, creeds, and locations have in common is they are only in it for themselves. If your man will let you take the fall then he’s a rat, and your a rat for going along with it.
If you think that having kids is a blessing, and that finishing school, or being successful, then getting married first, THEN having kids is not, then you’re a rat. Rats have no real goals for life; they rather take care of someone else, a kid, then to actually do any real work for themselves. It’s so fucked up they will care for someone more then they will ever care for themselves. I guess that’s why they need to make sure you know they have a mans, make sure you know they’re spending money, and make sure everyone lets them know how pretty they are. They have nothing really going for themselves but looks.
Im glad in this day n’ age they have things like facebook, and myspace because it’s becoming sooo much easier to spot a hood rat. After high school I just stopped surrounding myself with rat people. The fuck for? I don’t have anything to offer, and they have nothing to gain. Since then I have been fooled because I usually don’t fuck with em, so here’s a few easy ways to spot a rat online. Her status updates are always negative, about her, or about other rat females, or money. Also how much she misses her boyfriend. Bitch just tell him, why you telling facebook? Oh I know why, because you have haters and you want them to know that you’re not a miserable as them. It’s like being the world’s tallest midget. They will have pictures of celebrities they wish they could be, or change their name to something stupid. Like “Baby girl Minaj” or “Stacks on deck chick” lol. Again sometimes you just have to see who they surround themselves with. If in there pictures, there boyfriend looks like the typical thug, she’s a rat. Also that horrible photo Shoppe they do on their pictures. I don’t get why you have to put words on your pictures, and stupid borders, you know what I mean. Just tacky.
Hood rats aren’t all bad however; if you need some trees, call a rat. If you need some connections on how to get your car fixed for the low, call a rat. If you need a bitch to get her ass beat, call a rat. If your just trying to have a good night, call a rat. Never ever trust a rat though. They lie, lie, lie. That’s what they do best, and when you call em out on it, they get mad. Never loan any money either; you will never get it back from a rat. Just keep your distance, use them like they love to use people, and keep it moving.